Cocoa Nib Torte
Whilst seeing clients with goals to reduce the added, refined sugars in their diets, it seemed I didn't have much to offer with a chocolate fix recipe - so "da da"! Here it is, a recipe full of chocolatey, fudge comfort - but with no added refined sugar, just the sweetness from fruits and maple syrup. As natural as you can get it, but as delicious and delightful as any chocolate offering. The Cocoa Nibs add a wonderful crunch as well as the highly beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that comes with them. Enjoy.
Recipe & Instructions
- 100g Sultanas or Raisins
- 100ml Water
- 1 very ripe Banana
- 4 tbsp of Cocoa Powder
- 2 tbsp Coconut Oil
- 1 tbsp Ground Flaxseeds
- 4 tbsp Ground Almonds
- 50g Wholemeal Plain Flour, or other flour you may have
- 1 tbsp of Arrowroot
- 2 tbsp Cocoa Nibs
- 1 tbsp chopped roasted Hazelnuts (optional)
Fudge Topping
- 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
- 100g dried Dates
- 2 tbsp Cocoa Powder
- 2 tbsp Maple Syrup
- 1 tbsp Arrowroot
- extra Cocoa Nibs for serving (optional)
Heat the sultanas and water together until the dried fruit is soft. Add the banana and coconut oil and whizz with a hand blender until smooth. Beat in all the other torte ingredients and spread evenly in a 7inch round, greased cake tin. Bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes at 180 degrees until springy to the touch.
Whilst the torte is cooking and cooling - heat the dates with the oil and again, whizz with a hand blender until smooth. Beat in the cocoa powder, arrowroot and maple syrup. Spread over the cooled torte and sprinkle over cocoa nibs/powder if you like.
Serves 10
Nutritional Value
Calories Per Serving -172
Carbohydrate - 25.9g
Protein - 2.7g
Fat - 7.4g