Ginger Oat Snaps
This was a biscuit recipe I put together to help a client with, who wanted a low sugar, healthier ginger biscuit. It's got a good heat from the ginger and a good crunch for the mouth - but you could reduce the ginger slightly and the cooking time, to create something a bit milder and softer.
I think we all ought to have a bit more confidence with going "alternative" in recipes. This one uses plain flour and olive oil spread, but you could use a smaller amount of coconut flour and coconut oil instead. Biscuits aren't like cakes, they aren't usually a total disaster (unless you've found yourself mistaking or salt for sugar, etc, or missed a whole ingredient out!)...I'm not confessing to any of those though...
Recipe & Instructions
- 90g Olive Oil Spread
- 3 tbsp Golden Syrup
- 135g Jumbo Oats
- 150g Plain Flour (or alternatives)
- 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger spice
- 1 finely chopped stem ginger ball
- 1 tbsp Stem Ginger Syrup (if you've got the stem ginger in, check out the salmon ginger recipe to use it!)
Heat the Spread in a saucepan. Add the golden syrup and ginger syrup. When mixed, add all the other ingredients. Roll in to 12 balls and squash down on to a greased baking sheet, with your hand or back of a wet spoon, until they 're quite thin.
Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes until crisp and golden (or 17-18 mins for a slightly softer biscuit). Store in an air tight container.
Nutritional Value
Calorie Per Biscuit 148
Carbohydrate 21.9
Protein 2.5g
Fat 5.3g